Vampire the masquerade bloodlines clans
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines clans

vampire the masquerade bloodlines clans

They find out the hard way in Gehenna that death does not come easy to such godlike vampires. You Kill It, You Bought It: Tremere and Augustus Giovanni are technically not Antediluvians (literally 'before The Great Flood') since they simply Diablerized Saulot and Cappadocius.Some claim their Antediluvian was male though so it's ambiguous. World's Most Beautiful Woman: Unsurprisingly many believe the Toreador Antediluvian is this trope.Saulot was downright saintly when first introduced, but Depending on the Author varies dramatically. Token Good Teammate: Haqim is the only one of the Antediluvians who doesn't abuse his children and in the Gehenna scenario where all the antediluvians start a vampire apocalypse, he's one of the few to rule with justice over vampire and human alike.The Starscream: They betrayed and killed the vampires of the second generation.Malkav is male but during Gehenna appears in the form of a hive minded horde of extremely creepy girls. The Brujah Antediluvian has an ambiguous gender and the Toreador Antediluvian is most likely but not definitely a woman. There is only one explicitly female Antediluvian, the Gangrel's, but some others might be female. Even how many of the Third Generation there were is up for grabs, with various books suggesting there are/were more beyond the clan founders. Shrouded in Myth: Their existence is hotly debated, and the lore book says they are where 'facts meet with legends and myths'.This was such a big event that the Kuei-jin sent their strongest warriors while the Technocracy authorized Code: Ragnarok just to stop him.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines clans

The Week of Nightmares had the Ravnos founder Zapathasura wake up and start raining death and destruction.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines clans

  • Real After All: Obviously the Antediluvians eventually turn out to be very real.
  • Physical God: The most powerful vampires aside from Caine, they all possess the capability to use ten-dot Disciplines suitably named Plot Device.
  • The Tzimisce Antediluvian, however, has no name because no sound on Earth could make the alien tones that are its name. Some of them are just so old their names have been lost to time.
  • The Nameless: Often, an Antediluvian is not referred to by a name, just the name of their clan in square brackets.
  • For turning against and killing the Second Generation, Caine cursed each of them with a curse that would become each clan's signature flaw.
  • Monster Progenitor: Clan Progenitor, rather.
  • For example, the Eldest is obliterated by the power of God.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Many of the Antediluvians get this.
  • Horror Hunger: The Antediluvians have been vampires for so long the only part of being alive they remember is being hungry.

  • Vampire the masquerade bloodlines clans